PeachART Partners
ImproMedia is a multimedia production and software development company providing high quality solutions in customized online applications, streaming solutions, development of multimedia applications, video production and 3D graphics, industry 4.0 and IIOT solutions.
The company has developed 8agora, a Virtual Reality world created to offer infinite possibilities. It is the meeting place of teams, the playground of creatives, the storyteller’s scene and the showcase of future ventures. 8agora opens up the future for enterprises and individuals alike, empowering them to overcome distances, save time, reach out to the whole world, brainstorm, collaborate and connect through the most advanced interactive technology.
The ADchemists
The ADchemists is one of the few communication brands that represent the silent world of bespoke. Bespoke escapes the spiral of high-budget advertising and extravagant promotions. The magic strategy is creating a buzz that ignites “word of mouth”, which means the information will then be passed to other people as a chance given to access a secret – and that secret needs to be kept within a certain circle of “connoisseurs”. The whole philosophy of bespoke relies on a close, personal, and creative communication between the customer and the “artisan”. This is the special bond of bespoke. The magic world of total customization. Because it grows beyond the realm of a mere communication facilitator to that of a tribe builder and mindsets shepherd. It’s what ideas need to take off. And people to act inspired.
Advanced Technologies Association
The Association for Advanced Technologies (ATA) aims to implement advanced technologies in all areas of socio-economic activity in Romania, from medical to defense, from financial and banking to social assistance activities. In the vision of ATA, Romania has an extraordinary chance in the rapid development of the economy and society if it succeeds in the implementation of emergent technologies. Of these, blockchain technology and AI have the greatest potential for generating positive effects in society.A good example is Aurachain (whom we represent as a local partner), the only low-code development platform on the market that enables global businesses to create both digital and blockchain applications.
Tech Station
Tech Station est une ONG de droit roumain qui a comme mission de soutenir la création et le développement de projets et de startups en Europe de l'est dans le secteur de l'informatique et du numérique en partenariat avec l'écosystème français (Tech, économique, institutions, universités, financières). Aussi d'offrir support aux initiatives permettant de renforcer l'écosystème des startups françaises du numérique en Europe de l'est et aux startups d'Europe de l'est de s'installer en France et de participer à la “French Tech”.