Projects We Develop and Support
Business & Marketing
VR Biz
Virtualization and migration of more and more business processes to the digital world is an undsiputed trend of the market since many years now.
Many of the business processes are relying on direct, face to face contact, partly mediated by telepresence applications like videoconferencing and online collaboration apps. But the progress of technology, higher availability and speed of digital networks, combined with physical distancing measures that produced a devastating effect on a wide spectrum of business activities, have made the use of remote immersive online social interaction both more feasible and - in some cases - mandatory.
PeachART has partnered with Impromedia and ATA to develop and provide a solution for digitalization, virtualization and online migration of business processes.
VRBiz is a virtual online platform based on two main technological pillars:
- 8agora, a Virtual Reality world created by Impromedia and offering a unique and extensive set of tools for social interaction, including digital twinning of videoconferencing and other specific collaboration technologies;
- Aurachain, the only low-code development platform on the market that enables global businesses to create both digital and blockchain applications.
The platform supports digital twinning of business processes for trade fairs, conferences and other marketing events, as well as day to day business activity of SME's.
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AR Self
ARSelf is a Virtual Digital Identity Management mobile application, started from a need to manage individual user access to VRBiz (including revenue stream). It features event management, scheduler, ticketing (including wallet) and secure access to virtual environments. It also provides personal VR avatars and other VR assets personalization and management.The application allows for communication with event/business manager and basic social interaction.PeachART is ensuring the development in cooperation with partners offering mature technologies: Impromedia, the developer of 8Agora VR platform and a trust services provider, offering a blockchain based Digital ID management platform.The VR Biz projects are providing the first use case.ARSelf takes an innovative approach to combinine digital ID blockchain technology with avatar creation and a social interaction platform, resulting in a "side effect” of highering the chances of acceptability for social VR platforms in use cases where security is a major concern.Add-on potential to the AR Self platform using other technologies such as AI or location based services.
Design & Manufacturing
Design ART & More
Coming soon!
Education & Training
XR EdAid
Coming soon!
Healthcare & Wellness
Patience by XR
Coming soon!
Creators & Arts
The project scope is to create an innovative digital content production and delivery platform to support processes in education and training, creative and performing arts, healthcare, therapies, wellness and entertainment.A special focus will be put on innovative ways to create, deliver and consume VR/AR content, including a mix between virtually created content and live/recorded 2D, 3D, 180, 360 degrees multimedia.The target beneficiaries are freelance services providers or very small companies affected by the activity closure in studios due to physical distancing measures.
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Portal Art Experience by Anca Irina Lefter
Conceptual Artist, Fashion Designer and Painter
Anca Irina's project is bridging the Creative Arts and the Art Therapy fields. The experience was - until recently - based on a direct interaction between the artist and the public visiting the venue where the Portal was exhibited.
The improvements in AI and VR fields as well as the difficulties of organizing a venue based Portal Art Experience, due to physical distancing requirements, have led the artist to evaluate the possibility of migrating to an online digital experience.
PeachART has created a demo to showcase the feasibility of 3D modeling and scripting, of immersive visualization techniques and technologies as well as of a remote virtual interaction. Starting from here, a partnership and an XR based project were born.
Gaming & Entertainment
Touch me/not
PeachART is supporting this XR Experience project developed by an international team of creators led by Aurite Kouts, a french sociologist a filmmaker and journalist based in Paris.
Our project has ranked among the 20 XR creation proposals selected for the Cannes XR Challenge 2020 Incubation Program organized by Cannes XR and Garrage Stories.
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